Tag Archives: tattoo drawing

DIY Body Art

Things are done better, with more love, and more rewards if you at least try to do them yourself (as opposed to  having something pre-made). So why not design your own tattoo?!

So for Mushpa’s birthday, one of the things she asked was to design something to compliment the tattoo she already has.

some beginnings

Here are a couple of sketches of the soon-to-be-tattoo!IMG_6876

Why not draw something that only you imagine in your head? It is a fun process, and you get to have more of a say in every detail possible, and it is only yours!

(Ps. This sketch has already changed a bit since this post!)
(Ps. This sketch has already changed a bit since this post!)

Want some art in your body? Do it yourself! (Starting at least with the design part of it all! We can move to tattooing later…)

: D

Keep on making,
