Tag Archives: homemade

The Final Stretch!

stretch goal coverWe all did it people!!! We made our goal at 7:30AM this morning. Thank you, Thank you and did we mention Thank You to all that pledged, sent their good energy and basically believed in us.  It has been a long journey and we are glad you took it with us.

stretch goal!

For all you that thought you missed your opportunity, you still have a chance to pledge. Whew… We are literally HOURS away from the end of Mushpa y Mensa’s “Box Truck into an Art Truck” Kickstarter Campaign and are still taking pledges till 2:15PM today. We would like to raise an additional $800 for an add-on of a Lo-Jack Recovery System. We did not add this in the Kickstarter original amount as we wanted to have it at the lowest possible amount to get the truck done, so that we’d make that goal. Now that we made that goal we can add additional items, like security. I, Cara, personally voted for a bad-ass hood ornament and spinning rims, but Mar Emilia is probably right.

We can’t wait to get to the next steps of creation of Maya, Art Truck. Thank you for helping us get there.

Much love,

Cara Elaine and Maria Emilia (Mushpa y Mensa)


So Close To The End!

That is correct! We have literally HOURS to go and need to raise $800. We are on the 99th backer. Who will be our magic 100? Basically, we need 33 people to buy us a $25 NYC cocktail or our 99 backers to increase their pledge by $10. We will take either! :]

Here are three reasons why Mushpa y Mensa’s Magical Motor Machine Makeover needs YOU and you need US:

1. We make people feel good.

Our art speaks to people, and grand people listen. When you can speak through your art, that makes it worth all the struggle.

2. You will be happy to have a little piece of you with us all the time! When you support, contribute, help, pitch in, donate, share, join…whatever you want to call it, that means that a little piece of your hard work went into making magic happen. Thank you and you’re welcome.

3. We are JUMPING with our EYES closed!

This is happening, no matter the circumstances, no matter the sacrifices, no matter what!

…and we’re cute.  No, but really only 20ish hours left to go. Let’s do this!

Much love,

Mushpa y Mensa

P.S. – Here is the link again in case you missed it, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mushpamensa/mushpa-y-mensas-magical-motor-machine-makeover  ;]


The Final Countdown

3 Days Left

First off, Happy Memorial Day weekend. It is officially, unofficially the beginning of Summer! This is Mushpa y Mensa’s season of organic cotton, original design, hand-made t-shirt glory! You need a new organic tank top for the season? We’ve got it! We will be in Astoria at the Astoria Flea and Food @Kaufman Astoria Studios (click here for more information) today from 10AM-6PM. Come see us and check out Maya, our box truck in person! We will even have the diorama with us. I know…exciting!

Maya Box Truck

Alright people let’s get to it! We have hit the final 3 days of our Kickstarter project, Mushpa y Mensa’s Magical Motor Machine Makeover! We are 81% funded at $5,971, but our goal is $7,300 in less than 3 days. That is $1,329 we need to raise in a very short amount of time. We can do it, but we need the help of family, friends and strangers. Go check out Mushpa y Mensa’s Magical Motor Machine Makeover and see how we will take this blank canvass of a box truck and transform it into mobile street art. Be a part of something you can brag that you brought into fruition! That alone is worth it. ;]

Much love,

– Mushpa




We are going; come with us.

Check out our Kickstarter DreamMushpa y Mensa’s Magical Motor Machine Makeover!

ONLY 6 DAYS LEFT!!! Help us make it to Paradise. We promise we’ll save you a spot for when you get here.

Much love,

– Mushpa

Only 7 Days Left To Make Herstory!

Mushpa y Mensa EssentialsIt is the final week of Mushpa y Mensa’s Magical Motor Machine Makeover and we are 72% funded. We need your help in these last few days to get that other 28%. As you may or may not know, if we do not reach 100% we receive 0%. That cannot happen.

For those unaware of what Mushpa y Mensa’s Magical Motor Machine Makeover is all about, click here, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mushpamensa/mushpa-y-mensas-magical-motor-machine-makeover to learn more. It is worth it, cool drawings, awesome 3 minute video, super interesting plan! To sum it up rather nicely, it is about, “Two Brooklyn girls, their art, and their hope to fit it all into a box truck!”. The essentials photo above is our artist’s rendering of what we actually need to make that happen. If you would like to see the actual list of everything we need and how we got to the $7,300 amount you may click here.

I wish I had more time to get into all the juicy details, but I must go finish fundraising the world! :] Soon we will be able to come to you. Isn’t that cool? So check it out and show some love via pledging if you so choose. In addition to your pledge, feel free to post the link on Facebook… Tweet… Insta… Pin… Tumblr… etc… Spread the love! :] https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mushpamensa/mushpa-y-mensas-magical-motor-machine-makeover

Thank you to all of those who have supported us thus far and to all of our future dream makers!

– Mushpa

Quote and 411

Mohadesa NajumiTruth.

Come see two women who roll like that @LIC Food and Flea today!!! We’ll be here till 6!

Check out our Kickstarter project!

– La Mushpa y la Mensa

Mushpa y Mensa’s Magical Motor Machine Makeover!

In conjunction with “Care-About-Mama-Earth” week we are launching Mushpa y Mensa’s Magical Motor Machine Makeover (a.k.a. Our Super Cool Kickstarter Project)! Yes!

We will make this short and sweet as all the information you may want or need to know about Our Magical Motor Machine Makeover is here. You may also click on our 3 minutes and 33 second amazing docu-drama above to find out what we and this project are all about.  :]

Mushpa y Mensa’s Magical Motor Machine Makeover is something cool, different, and amazing. It is a way to connect with people all over; a way to find, have and give hope to our fellow humans…and there is some fantabulous functional art to take with you as well!!! A win/win situation.

Go see!!!

With much love.

— Mushpa y Mensa (Cara Elaine and Maria Emilia)

Here Comes Mushpa Y Mensa!

Fulton FleaGuess what time it is??? Flea Market season!!! Oh snap, you mean you can check out our wares in person, hang with us, tell us all your deepest, darkest secrets and buy amazing art all under the gorgeous NYC sun? Yes, that’s exactly what I mean!

Such LoveClick here or any of the cute market photos in this entry to see where we will be at, when we are there and how cool it is going to be when you get there. We are even venturing out to that other world called Long Island in May, so if you live on the island and stay out of the city, you to will have the opportunity to chill with La Mushpa y La Mensa! Seriously. :]

We can’t wait to see you.

– La Mushpa

Sewing Around the House: A few easy projects!

I’ve been friends with my sewing machine for a bit now, and we have grown closer over the past year. I have kept her near me and loved her very much, but one thing is that I have not been very good about covering her. One reason is because I have the old  (ugly) plastic cover that it came with.

mushpa mensa sewing

I got inspired and decided to make her a little outfit using refurbished material and gifted fabric! Now my sewing machine is not so cold, wont get so much dust, and actually looks pretty!

sewing machine mushpa y mensa

Tip: I used the old plastic cover to draft and cut out the pattern pieces to make the sewing machine cover. You don’t need a pattern as long as you have the old cover. If you  are not afraid to go for it, you can just measure the height and width of your machine and make five rectangles to sew together!

For this project, I  also used  as a guide this sewing book that I like very much, the Sew Everything Workshop: The Complete Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide. It is written by Diana Rupp, and it is fabulous for people getting into the sewing world. It comes with patterns, instructions and lots of practical information about different fabrics and tips as well as historical facts and fun sewing projects.

sew everything workshop diana rupp

This book was part of a gift from Mushpa, who not only included the book, but a class to sew a “Naughty Secretary Skirt” with Ms. Diana Rupp herself! If you live in NYC and want to practice some guided sewing, check out the Make Workshop for amazing classes of  all types!

Tip: Get a sewing book. There are TONS out there. I have a couple that I use as reference all the time. I think it’s helpful for little details, how-to and random information. Any time I get stuck in a project, or need inspiration, I look at them. Also, if you can, take a sewing class. It really helps with understanding the process as a whole, and you get to hang with other sewing aficionados!

make everything workshop diana ruppI also got inspired and made some new yoga pants as well using this book! With some risky adjustments to the pattern, I had just enough scrap fabric to make some  new pants by refurbishing old curtains! Sound of Music anyone?

Fortunately the adjustments that I made to the pattern were fine, and I was able to cut the pieces just right!I thought the fabric would be OK to wear these pants out in public, but they ended up looking too pajama-ish! That’s OK though, because now I have some super fancy pajama pants!

Tip of the Universe: If you have almost enough fabric, but not quite enough, try hoping for the best when doing pattern adjustments! I literally visualized and prayed to the universe that the adjustments I made to the pattern would work… With a little faith, anything is possible!

Finally, the last project for the house I sewed was our darling ironing board. The old cover was gross and old… This was a very easy project though. I pretty much traced a pattern around the ironing board and left a good 4 inches or so of seam allowance.

sew an easy ironing board cover

Then I folded the seam about an inch and sewed it down in order to leave a space for a cord to run through the seam, and left an inch wide opening to be able to pass the cord through. After attaching safety pins to the cord, I pushed the cord  through the seam and covered the ironing board. Pull tight and knot it at the end! Not so bad huh?!

sew an easy ironing board cover

Updating our home, one sewing project at a time!

Much love,


Before January ends….Re-Calendar!

In the time it takes you to get in your car, subway or bike to the office supply store to buy a calendar, you can easily make a calendar for the new year yourself! For free if you have the supplies, and Eco if you reuse old paper and use supplies from home!

mushpa y mensa

We did this half way through last year, and last week we took the old calendar down, flipped over the old pages and drew new lines for the new days and months of the new year!


1. Find any 18×10 inch paper or card-stock. We had some around, and it turned out to be the PERFECT size.  You can make a smaller too, just make sure you divide it in 7 equal parts for the days of the week.

2. Using a ruler, mark off every 2 inches on every side, and draw vertical and horizontal lines to make the little boxes. This size was perfect for 7 days (each day was 2×2 inch squares) and it left a nice (2×4 inch space each week) for additional “notes”.

mushpa y mensa

3. Mark the days of the week with a marker, and while LOOKING CAREFULLY at a calendar (I looked on my phone) mark the days down when the month starts, through its end.

4. Add some colors and decorations….and any special dates you may wish to remember….and you’re done! : )

Happy crafting!
