Tag Archives: Happiness

You are Oceanic

Soutrik Das
Artist Soutrik Das


All she wanted was to find a place to stretch her bones.

A place to lengthen her smiles

and spread her hair

a place where her legs could walk without cutting and bruising

a place unchained.

She was born out of ocean breath.

I reminded her;  ‘Stop pouring so much of yourself into hearts that have no room for themselves

do not thin yourself, be vast.

You do not bring the ocean to a river.’

– Tapiwa Mugabe, You are Oceanic

Before and After

What, you want a sneak peek of Maya our Mobile Art Shop??? Okay!

Maya Before


mAYA aFTERAfter!

– Mushpa

P.S. – Follow us on Twitter!

No Limits, Only Plateaus

Bruce Lee LimitsYes, I am becoming the Queen of Quotes. You’re welcome. ;] No, but really it’s true, why limit yourself? Why become stagnant doing one thing, in one place, when there is a whole world out there? Nothing in life is guaranteed…ever…so let’s go out there and have some fun. I want to live this life not survive it.

Safety last! Adventure first!

– Mushpa

Hester Street Fair Here We Come

2014 HSF POSTERIf you are in the New York area and want to check out our art in person you may!!! Good times!

Where exactly, Hester Street Fair, located in the heart of the Lower East Side and housed on the historic grounds of New York City’s largest pushcart market at the turn of the century, the Hester Street Fair pays homage to those roots by bringing together a collection of NYC’s best vendors in a bustling outdoor marketplace.  They curate the finest artisanal food, vintage clothing, jewelry, crafts, home goods and much more.  ​

Corner of Hester and Essex, take the F J M Z to Delancey F to East Broadway!

See you there.

– Mushpa y Mensa