Tag Archives: Cara Reynolds

Mushpa y Mensa’s Fall Update

Hello To All of Our People!

We here at Mushpa y Mensa wanted to send out a Fall 2014 update about what’s going on with Mushpa y Mensa’s Magical Motor Machine Makeover! We wanted to let you all know where your gracious support has taken us thus far.

Solar It
Solar It

With the help of Alberto Borja, Mensa’s magician electrician father, we set up the amazing solar powered system to power all the electrical things Maya, our mobile art truck, will need. We installed a 150 watt solar panel on the roof of the truck, hooked it up in a series to two 6 volt golf cart batteries, and did some serious wiring. We did this so we could set up track lights, LED lights, a fan, plus working outlets to charge our laptops and basically work off the grid with the help of the sun! It’s pretty amazing.

Workin' It
Workin’ It

We have become best friends with our jigsaw, circular saw, wire cuter and drill. We cut plywood not only for the electrical set up, but also to put up new walls, and to create different types of storage boxes! We have screwed in, nailed, spackled, siliconed, sanded, painted, painted again, wallpapered and distressed many a thing inside our truck. Our old dashboard got a fresh coat of robotic silver paint, and we built a curvy, new, purple dashboard panel with cup holders!

Making It Happen
Making It Happen

Soon to come:

– installation of floor

– birch poles to hang our shirts from!

– a million little touches

We're Getting It Done We're Getting It Done
We’re Getting It Done We’re Getting It Done

We will be done on November 25th when we get our marmoleum flooring installed. We can’t wait! Just in time to hit up all the Holiday Markets!!! :]

Stay tuned!

Much love,

Mushpa y Mensa aka Cara and Maria Emilia


My Criminal Mind

First edition cover of The Sound and the Fury

Last night I was watching Criminal Minds. It is great-ish show. I have a somewhat odd interest in serial killers, sociopaths, psychopaths, and the un-rested. At times I have to mute it and look away, which thankfully confirms I am not a sociopath. ;]

I am interested in things that are a conundrum of the norm. Events, circumstances and people that make me question, that propel me to discover more through knowledge and my own truth that comes from wherever it comes from. I also like the nerd factoids and of course the quotes.

On to the point, this was a long intro to basically let people know that I am going to start posting some of the quotes from this show on a regular basis. Yes, I am that nerdy. B] I like quotes because they inspire me not only to be different, but get me interested and/or remind me of people, books, periods that help me evolve, to understand things, and to not feel so alone in this world. They move me. Anything that gets me to pick up a book is a good thing.

The quote from last night I am posting is by William Faulkner.

“Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.”   –  William Faulkner (The Paris Review interview (1956) with Jean Stein; later published in Writers at Work)

Anyway…hope you are into it. I am going to read, “The Sound and the Fury” because of this and because I am living in rural North Carolina, I know nothing about Jefferson, Mississippi and my cat’s name is Jefferson, so let’s do this.

– Mushpa

Go Magazine’s Red Hot Entrepreneurs of 2014

Go Magazine Girls

That’s right, we’re red hot entrepreneurs!!! Read more about it by clicking on this super fly link!

Watch out world here we come! :]

– Mushpa y Mensa

Update from the Ladies of Mushpa y Mensa’s Magical Motor Machine Makeover!

Hello All!

We here at Mushpa y Mensa hope this email finds you terrific, happy and healthy. We would love to share with you a little bit of what we have been up to this summer.

First huge news…. Maya got some color!!! Remember when she was our blank canvas?

Maya went from dreary and pale, to sunlight and bright, with a dash of original Mushpa y Mensa artwork on the side.

Click to see more details!
Click to see more details!

With the help of our friends Marco and Sidney, we gave Maya a splash of purple posies, pastel mint, and a smidgen of bronzer. Next, the drawings we had on paper came to life in the form of a giga-sticker! So cool! This all came together, completing her present fantabulous exterior look! Still in the potential plan: red hub-cabs that will make everything pop! Glitter red slippers you could say. Oh Dorothy…


In other exciting news, we will be spending some time down south in order to build the inside of the truck! We said goodbye to NYC a week ago. Mushpa y Mensa will be out of The Big Apple for a bit, but make sure to keep updated with our outrageously awesome news via our newsletter (Sign up Now!), our Tweets @mushpamensa, and other good info at mushpamensa.com.

Thanks for tuning in, and again thanks to all for supporting the reality that once was a dream.

Much love,

Cara Elaine and Maria Emilia


Maya Angelou

These are the 14 ways success can be achieved:


(1) LESS TALK, MORE ACTION. “Well done is better than well said.”


(2) DON’T PROCRASTINATE. “Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.”


(3) BE PREPARED. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”


(4) DON’T FIGHT CHANGE. “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”


(5) GET MOVING. “All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.”


(6) AVOID BUSYWORK. “Never confuse motion with action.”


(7) GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO MAKE MISTAKES. “Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.”


(8) ACT QUICKLY ON OPPORTUNITIES. “To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions.”


(9) CONTINUE TO GROW. “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better person.”


(10) KEEP GOING. “Diligence is the mother of good luck.”


(11) KNOW YOURSELF. “There are three things which are extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.”


(12) DON’T SELF SABOTAGE. “Who had deceived thee so often as thyself?”


(13) DON’T GIVE UP. “Energy and persistence conquer all things.”


(14) WISE UP. “Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late.”


Let’s do this!



You are Oceanic

Soutrik Das
Artist Soutrik Das


All she wanted was to find a place to stretch her bones.

A place to lengthen her smiles

and spread her hair

a place where her legs could walk without cutting and bruising

a place unchained.

She was born out of ocean breath.

I reminded her;  ‘Stop pouring so much of yourself into hearts that have no room for themselves

do not thin yourself, be vast.

You do not bring the ocean to a river.’

– Tapiwa Mugabe, You are Oceanic