The great thing about having a home office is that everyday is casual Friday and sometimes your office mates have fur. :]
You should give it a try.
I’ve been writing too much in these blog entries. I feel it is time for a mini music break. :] Don’t you want to get to know what I like? What music I like to listen to, books I like to read, movies I like to watch, pictures I love to look at? You know you do. Plus today is my birthday and I’ll do what I want!
You know I don’t sweat the little things.
So what can we add to an already awesome t-shit to make it extra nice?
Well, how about some vertebral funk!
Yarn, scissors and a little creative juice
makes these the first set of T’s we have revamped with lots of love!
Testing! Testing! so they are not for sale……yet.
Let us know what you think!
Ps. Gracias Mushpa for the absolute patience when trying these on!
It’s my Birthday month. Yes, I said month. :] My actual birthday is February 13th for all of you that want to know. I prefer not to just focus on the one day, but I feel a whole month is more the way to go. I’m just saying.
Today, Mensa tells me to go and get something from another room and when I go in what is there but two balls of yarn, three pairs of gold sparkly clear knitting needles, and some candles with a bow on top (the cat we already had). This is what it is about really. These are the kind of things she does that helps me believe we will be successful in this endeavor or any others we choose to do.
I don’t know what I am going to make from this, but I promise to show you when I’m done.
Starts with a mama and ends with a cure. Que es?! It’s one of our new crazy cool t-shirt designs! We have received our screen printing materials and are ready to star scanning some designs to begin the screen printing process.
Hey Mushpa. What do you think about posting soon a how-to introductory screen printing blurb? We want to make art accessible for people, so what do you think about posting instructions on how to do it yourself? Although, disclaimer folks… it might not be as cheap as a pencil and paper, but it sure will be fun!
All done with much love,
So I was originally going to post about how art has become this disgusting multi-billion dollar industry, where the privileged use their extra cents to buy and sell pieces of art, old and new, and how it is such a disheartening and sad sad thing that is happening to the world of art.
And then Mushpa says, with a cute smile on her face … “Well hey, I’ll sell my pig for 8 billion dollars!!!”
Well, if someone will buy it for that amount, why wouldn’t we sell it?
So here is my dilemma… Which walks do we walk when we talk certain talks?
If I trash talk the art industry because it is a classist, capitalist, white male driven industry, this means I should do whatever it is my power to stand against it, right? As this guy Christian Viveros-Faune points in his article “How Uptown Money Kills Downtown Art”, all artist should form communities and stand together for an anti-capitalist/occupy-art social movement.
I am not going to lie…I often day dream about the day this happens. I day dream about artist organizing themselves into boycotting sales of art for profit, and painting true art over all advertisements that use art in order to sell a product for, you guessed it, profits. I daydream of New York City subways being covered with free-and-from-the-people-to-the-people-art. Wouldn’t that be badass?!? To fill every corner of this concrete city with colors, installations, sculptures, photographs and multitudes of other visual stimulants that fill us and do exactly what art should do: To feel something. Not sell a phone or insurance. And the best part about it is that it would be free, for EVERYBODY’s enjoyment.
But it’s more complicated than that of course. Nothing is that simple. To deconstruct this complex mafia-like art industry would be the task of everyone, and not just a group of artist motivated to change and make some noise. It would be deconstructing the whole system, along with its multitudes of problems.
The real issue comes in when we asks artist who have the reputation of either being lucky because they are successful, or just plain poor, to sacrifice for the sake of art. So when somebody comes and offers you a once in a lifetime opportunity to sell a sketch for a million dollars, wouldn’t you take it?
Accepting that money would be accepting that art has become a business transaction, rather than what I do, and many artists do art for, which is to let that explosion of creativity boiling up in your brain out into the world. Selling out would not be an option for me. Neither will be starving though. And neither will be letting go of art to pursue a job that will feed me and pay my bills.
What it comes down to though, is that as artist and artist communities, WE need to dictate how and for how much our art should be sold. Do I believe that my mermaid drawing is worth $120 million? Probably not… Just like I would hope Edvard Munch wouldn’t think that his drawing of “The Scream” is worth that same amount, even if a group of privileged folks over at Sotheby’s though it was.
So what to do!? Fellow artist, we need to agree on this one. How much do we think our drawings, paintings, sculptures and other fantastical pieces are worth? 10 bucks? $3,000? A fa-fillion dollars? Free?
I haven’t figured this one out yet. Have you?
Ms. Mensa and I needed a little fashion inspiration for some new shirts we are about to design, so we thought where better to go then New York Fashion Week! We choose the Vaute show to start off with, by designer Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart, one because it was the first all vegan fashion label to show in NYFW and two because her stuff is mad cute. That’s what we are talking about people! :] Anyway, all her fashions are made from organic, recycled materials. The photo above is the Moleskin Quilted Emily Coat with Zip Off Hood modeled by Mary Kate from Mix. It’s vegan, eco-conscious, constructed locally in NYC. The fabrics are all recycled, 100% vegan shell lined with recycled satin liner and engraved tagua nut buttons, which is pretty badass. Check out the Vaute site to read more on her ethical, eco clothing line.
The show was sponsored by The Humane Society and Badass Brooklyn Rescue, so in the show were fashionable, adoptable furry friends. The models make-up was all vegan and done by the DeVita team, all vegan hair done by Salon Champu, amazing women’s shoes by designer Monisha Raja of Love is Mighty and the men’s shoes by Joshua Katcher who is righteous as well as fashionable at Brave Gentleman.
Below is the greatest vegan Tiramisu by Vegan Treats. We loved it!
Loved the dogs as well…
You can find them looking for love here.
I’m inspired.
Hello, my name is Elephant the Pig. I was born with my elephant birthmark which just confirms even more that I am an elephant trapped in a pig’s body. I love to eat leaves and foliage all day long. I am a herbivore through and through. I never met my parents, so who is to say I am a pig and not an elephant? Well, my body says I am a pig but my heart and soul knows different. I am looking for a home with a person, people, family that will accept me for who I am, not who they want me to be, not for whom I seem to be. If you are that person, people, or family then I am ready to come home.
Remember, there is only one of me in all the known and unknown universes, just like you.
p.s.- I’m made from 100% Eco-fi®, a high quality polyester fiber made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles. I’m just saying.
I always asked myself,
why is it that these earthlings
look at me with that face?
No I am not an octopus, although my abuela was.
I am not a bear, although I still hug one every night…
I smell like lavender, yet I was not born from a garden,
or even somewhere more ridiculous like a cabbage patch.
I was always what I was supposed to be.
Yet my one missing piece,
just like the missing piece,
was my name.
Yet what’s in a name?
That which I call myself by any other name would still smell oh so sweet!
And yet a name is everything! And nothing at all…
So if you find yourself inspired,
or in need of a ear,
or just looking at me wondering “Que es eso!?”
…Ask yourself the same,
cause dear earthling,
I can tell that we are gonna be friends.
If you’d like to take me home you will find me here!
Dear Mensa,
First off let me apologize for the delay in response to this post and the fact that it has been a minute since I have posted any entry at all. Life has been crazy!
I love the logo so far Mensa! I can’t wait for you to finish. :] I will make sure to put it up all over our blog, Twitter, Etsy store and the like. I am so glad you finally saw the light of digital editing and art. Life is a balance between the organic and mechanic. Point is Photoshop is addicting in an OCD type of way and I love it!
On to me and my endeavors. I am working on a my little piggie (see above). I have no real idea how she is going to turn out, but I am almost done with what I consider to be a black canvas of pig to work on. Watch out world here she comes!!! This is the first of many little creatures…
I can’t wait can you?