Category Archives: Gay

Roses are for Framing

So we recently acquired a small mirror that needed some up-dating. And what else to paint on it but pretty flowers!

DIY Rose Hand painted Frame

I forgot to take before pictures, but it was regular medium brown wood.

Here are some pictures of how it turned out!


I used acrylic paint. For the background I mixed a little black, some orange and white paint.

DIY Rose Hand painted Frame

I also used a palette knife to give texture to the flowers and the leafs.

I finalized with a paint marker for small details and highlights….y listo!

New frame for the studio!

DIY Rose Hand painted Frame

Happy Sunday painting until late hours of the night is always fun!!!

DIY Rose Hand painted Frame



10 Points of Redemption

LadiesMensa and I were talking earlier today over tea and coffee about how we can decrease our garbage output and came up with 10 Points of Redemption. Here they are for your viewing pleasure.

  1. Join the Park Slope Co-Op. I went in the Park Slope Co-Op Sunday for the first time and was very interested in what they sold and how economically priced everything was. Cheap really. My friend let me know the deal. There is a $25 joining fee and a Member Investment of $100. It is refundable if you decide to leave. You have to do one shift a month and you’re a member. Their site is great. The have a daily produce list which includes each item’s price, where it was grown, and the farm’s growing practices.
  2. Next, all produce we buy must not be packaged and to buy things in season and local when possible. We are the new owners of the ECOBAGS® Organic Cloth Produce Bag. It’s great, but we need at least 2 more, maybe net
  3. Stop and think pre-purchase. Be creative. Meaning we always think we need something and then we go and get it… Other times we walk around our palace and find amazing things we can use instead. We get creative. We need to do that more often.
  4. Know the environmental impact of everything we purchase. Yeah seriously. I mean is it really that hard to find out on this thing called a computer every minute detail about anything in the known universe? Number 4 will only stop impulse buying, which is probably a good thing.
  5. Can we do candles somehow? I guess tea lights are out of the game as each one includes a metal base you just add to landfills when done. Then of course here we go again with the petroleum. I mean how is it we can consume toxins everyday, even our zen mood making candles are killing us! The problem is candle wax is generally made from paraffin wax. Burning a paraffin wax candle is much the same as allowing a diesel truck to idle in your livingroom. Paraffin wax contains a noxious mix of carcinogenic petro-carbon that not only affects your health, but blackens the inside of your home, and emits toxic chemicals like benzene and toluene. Petroleum as we all know is not what you would call renewable either.  Don’t worry everyone I did some research on alternatives and it seems pure soy candles and beeswax candles are the work around. I was in Wilmington, NC this weekend and discovered this great store called, The Old Wilmington Candle Company. They sell all types (except tea lights) of 100% soy based candles. I had heard that soy candles often contain a bit of paraffin wax, the gentleman who worked there explained that it is true some soy candles do contain paraffin wax, but theirs do not. Just be aware to check your labels or ask before buying. We bought Miss Sarah’s Rose Garden, which smells fantastical!!! Sidenote at The Old Wilmington Candle Company they also make all their candles on site. That’s cool.
  6. Soap without packaging. That is an easy one. You can find bulk un-packaged soap almost anywhere. We will start using said package free soap and get back to you on what we think!!! Maybe we’ll even make our own soap…and then blog about it. ;]
  7. Bulk vinegar. We use vinegar and water to clean almost everything (check this out), so we thought it would be a good idea to buy it in bulk. In doing research it seems that some white vinegars use petroleum as a starter (it’s used to create alcohol, which is then oxidized with bacteria to convert the alcohol to vinegar). It seems that was the case “back in the day”, but now a days companies seem to use corn and apples as their starters, but you should check first to be safe. Even though it is for cleaning and not consuming it is still toxic to you and the world. I have reached out to a few places to see if we can buy it in bulk (filling our own container), but have yet to hear back. Will let you all know when I find any spot.
  8. Glass over plastic. This is an easy one. If there is a choice buy glass even if it is more expensive. You can use the glass for storage, like to keep your dry foods in, loose tea, etc.
  9. Closest compost. It is important to not waste when unnecessary, so why not turn your food waste into compost? Sundays at Cortelyou Green Market is the closest to us. What about you? If you are in New York and want to see which farmer’s market does composting go here.
  10. What’s recyclable. We live in NYC, so if you do to check out NYC.Gov. Here’s the breakdown:

What and How to Recycle with Sanitation:PAPER & CARDBOARD

newspapers, magazines, catalogs white and colored paper (lined, copier, computer, staples OK) mail and envelopes (any color, window envelopes OK) paper bags, wrapping paper, soft-cover books, telephone books (paperbacks, comics, etc.; no spiral bindings), cardboard egg cartons and trays, smooth cardboard (food and shoes boxes, tubes, file folders, cardboard from product  packaging), corrugated cardboard boxes (flattened and tied)

Place all paper recyclables together in CLEAR bags, or in any bin labeled with GREEN recycling decals or marked “MIXED PAPER”. Or place in the white dumpster for paper recycling, if your building has one.) Flatten and bundle large pieces of corrugated cardboard and tie with sturdy twine, or break into small pieces to place in your recycling bin or bag. (Or place loose in the white dumpster for paper recycling, if your building has one.)

See how you can reduce your junk mail.

Don’t include the following with your paper recycling (see why):

hardcover books, napkins, paper towels, or tissues, soiled paper cups or plates, paper soiled with food or liquid paper with a lot of tape and glue, plastic- or wax-coated paper (candy wrappers, take-out containers, etc.) photographic paper


  • milk cartons & juice boxes (or any such cartons and aseptic packaging for drinks: ice tea, soy milk, soup, etc.)
  • plastic bottles & jugs only
  • glass bottles & jars only
  • metal cans (soup, pet food, empty aerosol cans, dried-out paint cans, etc.)
  • aluminum foil wrap & trays
  • household metal (wire hangers, pots, tools, curtain rods, knives, small appliances that are mostly metal, certain vehicle license plates, etc.)
  • bulk metal (large metal items, such as furniture, cabinets, large appliances, etc.)

Empty and rinse containers before recycling. Place all together in CLEAR bags, or in any bin labeled with BLUE recycling decals or marked “BOTTLES & CANS”.

Remove caps & lids. Place METAL caps & lids in the recycling bin; put plastic caps & lids in the garbage.

Wrap knives or similar sharp metal objects in cardboard (such as a piece of cereal box) and secure with tape. Label the package “CAUTION: SHARP” and place with other designated metal, glass, plastic recyclables. For Home Sharps/Hypodermics, see Household Medical Wastes.

Place bulk metal next to recycling bins or bags.

Call 311 before discarding appliances that contain CFC gas.

5¢ deposit: Bring deposit bottles and cans back to the store for refunds.

Don’t include the following with your bottle and can recycling:

If item is in good condition, see reuse it nyc for reuse options.

What and How to Recycle: BULKY ITEMS

Furniture and appliances that are predominantly metal and are too big for your recycling container or clear bag (such as washing machines, metal filing cabinets, box springs, or water heaters) should be placed beside the recycling container on your regular Recycling Day.

Before discarding appliances containing CFC gas or freon  (such as refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, or dehumidifiers), you must schedule an appointment to place the item at the curb for CFC recovery. You can make an appointment on the Sanitation website or call 311. For safety reasons, the law requires doors to be removed from refrigerators and freezers before placing at the curb.

Non-recyclable trash that is too big for your garbage container or bag (such as mattresses, lumber, or debris from small construction or garden projects) may be placed at the curb on any regular garbage collection day.

The Department of Sanitation will collect up to six bulk items from one address. For more information, see bulk collection on the DSNY website. There are special regulations for wood from trees and for mattresses.

For info on how to handle TVs and other broken electronics, see electronics recycling.

For info on how to donate reusable furniture and other goods, visit NYC Stuff Exchange.

Let’s do this.


Guess What We Have Now???


We are the proud new owners of a Mushpa y Mensa StumbleUpon!!! You know what we don’t have? Any followers… :[

FOLLOW US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

Please and thank you.


Supa Fly and Freshly Made: Clay Earrings

Just finished!

Do you like these crazy cool hoop and spike set of earrings?

hoop spiked fabulous earrings

These re-vamped earrings are made from refurbished materials and 100% hand-made clay beads.

beautiful clay bead handmade earrings

You can find them at our Etsy store! : )

spiked clay bead earrings


Sleep to Dream

sleep to dream

I found this great painting above “Sleep to Dream”,  by Stella Im Hultberg while looking up a link to send to Ms. Mensa. The link was of this kinda supa fly Lolita Rococo Necklace in pink I surprised her with the other day…

Lolita Necklace Ivory Pink

This piece is from the Couture by Lolita collection by Danielle Maree. She’s well known for her Lolita Skeleton Cameo.

According to her site,

each item is hand made with high quality cameos created in the USA with premium, raw, and antique materials. Meticulous in all their glory, each piece reflects a haunting beauty that provides a statement piece to any wardrobe.

None of that is real point, just the journey is sometimes fun to document. :] It was going to be just about this artist Stella Im Hultberg’s amazing sketchbooks. I really thought the drawings in the first one, 2010 Blue◾HandBook are amazingly fabulous, check them out for yourselves.

Stella Im Hultberg

Now for sleep…


Tea Tree Oil: Magic Potion or Poison?

tea tree oil

So the other day we noticed that we have in our home tea-tree oil infused goodies. Our shampoo, our conditioner and we use tea tree oil for unwanted, unhappy pimples. And it really does work! I had heard this little essential oil had many purposes, but who would have known it was crazy useful for everything! From pimples, to cleaning to Woohoo! Everything… Maybe I should ditch everything in my medicine cabinet and buy a lifetime supply of tea-tree oil!

So where does it come from? Australia. From the plant Melaleuca alternifolia.

tea tree oil

What can it be used for? A MILLION THINGS!

  • Analgesic
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-infectious
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Antiparasitic
  • Antiseptic
  • Antiviral
  • Decongestant
  • Digestive
  • Expectorant
  • Immune stimulant
  • Insecticidal
  • Neurotonic
  • Stimulant
  • Tissue regenerative

tea tree oil

Got Acne? dilute with water and use for an overall treatment, or dab a very small amount on acne breakouts.

Got Allergies? You can massage it into the chest, abdomen or “the reflex points of the feet”

Stinky Feet? A couple of drops and soak your feet in, or massage directly.

Canker soar? Apply a dab!

Clean Freak? Add a couple of drops  to your home-made everyday cleaner.

Stuffed nose and congestion? Boil some water and inhale steam infused with some oil. Minty smell will clear you up!

Cuts, Scrapes or Burns? Disinfect it with a slight diluted solution and cleanse infected areas with a one drop to one cup of water mixture.

Getting Pierced or a Tattoo? Use it undiluted to avoid infections.

Anything else? Yes! Also vaginal infections, warts, wounds, nail infections, dandruff sunburns and rashes!

BUT…I ran into this article that says that tea-tree oil might be potentially toxic for your cats and its bad bad bad…so I decided to look into it a bit more.


Yes, if you swallow and ingest a slight amount of this oil, it could harm you.  The National Capital Poison Center says they get twice as many calls regarding tea-tree oil poisoning than any other oil. Yet, they are not specific about their statistics so its hard to compare.

There are two statements that they make that I think are significant and should be taken as precaution when using this mighty oil.


“Tea tree oil and pets: Veterinary toxicologists have reported that large amounts of tea tree oil applied to the skin of cats and dogs caused poisoning. Symptoms have included muscle tremors, weakness, difficulty in walking, low body temperature, and excessive salivation. With pets, as with people, following label instructions is essential.”


“Non-medicinal uses: …  “natural” does not necessarily mean “non-toxic” or “non-poisonous”; tea tree oil is irritating to some people and is poisonous to swallow….There is some scientific evidence that tea tree oil can be effective for certain skin conditions. It is poisonous if swallowed and so should not be used in or around the mouth at all.”

The second point should be taken with more consideration because when I did my research I ran into information regarding its use as a mouthwash, canker sore, cold sore and cavity prevention oil. Many people have used it around and within the mouth and promote such uses, so I don’t think that the likelihood that you will turn up dead will be high….BUT I would use it with precaution if you are allergic to any other oils, if you are pregnant and if you have other conditions which you already need to take extra care for.

So is it a super oil with multiple amazing uses? I’d say so!

Am I going to party hard with my cat and take shots like it’s peppermint schnapps?  Probably not….

fashionable cat

Does it smell very very good and is better than buying fifteen different products to cure many things? YES!

If you would like, you can check out some sources below to get more descriptive and detailed uses for this mighty essential oil as well as people’s concern with it.

Sustainable Baby Steps, Medicine Net, General Info, Toxic to Cats

What!? What!?



Beautiful Clear Quartz Crystal, Purple/Blue Glass & Iridescent Beads With Green Fresh Water Pearls Necklace For Sale


I realized the other day I hadn’t really created anything in awhile, so here is my latest addition, a clear quartz crystal, purple/blue glass & iridescent beads with green fresh water pearls necklace. These picture can’t convey its beauty. It is a one of a kind so get it while you still can!

Crystal Here’s the amazing quartz crystal. It’s so beautiful.


Beautiful Clear Quartz Crystal, Purple/Blue Glass & Iridescent Beads With Green Fresh Water Pearls Necklace For Sale


I realized the other day I hadn’t really created anything in awhile, so here is my latest addition, a clear quartz crystal, purple/blue glass & iridescent beads with green fresh water pearls necklace. These picture can’t convey its beauty. It is a one of a kind so get it while you still can!

Crystal Here’s the amazing quartz crystal. It’s so beautiful.



I think having a goal, and a relatively fabulous goal at that, is an important motivating force in achieving the ever elusive “success” I desire. I’ve been thinking about that a lot this week. The goal not only has to be fabulous but also realistic, which is more complicated than you may think. My goal when starting Mushpa y Mensa was solely to be able to live and work for myself on some gorgeous beach. While this is an amazing goal to have, there are no specific steps to take besides achieving success. I need more than that to motivate me. I need a “road map” to get there. What I mean is I need smaller goals to get to the big one. Then it hit me yesterday, WWOOFing!

Let me explain. I have been wanting to go WWOOFing for the last few months. Mensa had mentioned us going awhile ago and when I was younger my friend Tatia and I used to dream of living this way right after we graduated college. It never happen then, but now I know it will.

Some of you may not know what WWOOFing is so let me break it down…

WWOOF (Working Weekends on Organic Farms, as it stood for then) was born in 1971, when Sue Coppard organised a trial weekend for herself and three other Londoners on an organic farm in East Sussex. Sue arranged a deal with the farmer: they would help out with work that needed doing on the land in exchange for food and accommodation. The weekend was so successful that it became a regular trip, every third weekend.

News gradually spread of ‘Sue Coppard’s Land Army’, and other organic farms got in touch, all keen to offer their hospitality in exchange for help from willing volunteers.

Today, WWOOF stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms: a truly global phenomenon with over 6,000 hosts in 100 countries.

WWOOF UK became a charity in 2008.  With well over 560 hosts in the UK and membership rising sharply year on year, it can’t be long before the verb ‘to wwoof’ makes it into the Oxford English Dictionary. [source]

First part of goal done, thinking of a goal, WWOOFing. Next where to WWOOF; a pretty obvious choice, the Mediterranean, Spain, France, Italy, Greece. Next, what do we have to do to get ourselves onto an organic farm? The answer, we must contact the host farmers off of a list you have access to online once you become a member of each country’s WWOOFing chapter. What I realized is if we are going in a year we need to start to get everything set up now. It is like 30 Euros for us to dual register and like I said they are all separate, yearly memberships. That actually works perfect as if we are really going in a year we will have to contact the farmers ourselves a few months in advance and we won’t want to have to pay $160 again to get the latest list off their sites. Next, how long will we WWOOF for? I thought 2 months, Mensa said 6. The site says people usually only do it for 2 weeks. I think once we get the membership and reach out to the farmers we will have a better idea of how long we will go. I am sure there are multiple farms in the Mediterranean region of Spain, France, Italy, and Greece. I guess we could do 2 weeks at 3 farms per region. :] Ah, I forgot to mention there is no money involve, so you need to save money for fun and necessary products. Once, we find out where we are going and what is really included (room and food), we should be able to come up with our budget and then save this year. There is also insurance the hosts have for you, but remember it is only if something happens to you on the farm. If you are injured off the farm it’s on you, so you may want to have additional insurance if you don’t already.
On Spain’s WWOOFing site they give this advice,

Insurance for wwofers registered at WWOOF ESPAÑA just covers accidents or illness (and death) direct consequence of an accident while helping in the farm. But for example you are not insured while outside the farm or even in the case of an appendicitis (because it´s not resulting from an accident). The amount insured is small: between 3000 and 6000 euros as maximum compensation). If you get injured, just contact us, you don´t need to do anything special, because you are already registered with us in our insurance policy.

Unfortunately in 2008 we had a sad incident in which a wwoofer died while taking a bath, outside the farm. We all got shocked by the sad accident of Adrian, but upon all the grief, we sadly confirmed the insurance did not cover that case and the expenses of reparation were very high. We never think about these fatalities, but they do happen. Please be responsible.

As a wwoofer I highly recommend you look at In their special insurance for wwoofers, they have additional clauses and it´s very convenient for the price, this could be on top of your own insurance. [source]

This is an attainable dream and seeing it here in front of me I know it is not only possible, but not that complicated. I want to travel, I want to learn more about organic farming, meet new people, escape a desk job and really just live the way I want to and I’ve found a way to do it, so why wouldn’t I?
